"Always be the shiniest one and prove the best of you! keep calm and just be yourself. HAKUUUNA MATATAA :)"
//super awesome !
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Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

18 y/o

Lovely Board



assalamualaikum dunia.


this moment rasa macam baru tergerak hati nak update blog hew hew. atlast! tapi, this week is test week. come on mana semangat ni?! ke seru! keluar lah!

jeng jeng jeng!

okey stoplah. lets talk about apa yang terjadi minggu ni. guess? hahaha. aku participate dalam group basketball inter college. hohoh
dah lama dah tak bakar lemak degil. 
kira-kira balik , dah lama sangat sejak habis spm dulu. 
ya ampunnn!
 alhamdulillah. i got supportive and sepoting punya team. enjoy and yang paling penting chemistry tu. baru hebat hahaha hebat ke?

wish that we can perform again next time. remember this basketbond never end. lots of love